Tuesday, 18 October 2011

RAISERROR raises error - not expected behavior on SQL 2005

We all expect that RAISERROR raises error, but not like this one:

RAISERROR ('Error', 16, 255 );

Invalid value 255 for state. Valid range is from 0 to 127

Value for state can be from 0 to 255, according to BOL:
Is an integer from 0 through 255. Negative values or values larger than 255 generate an error.
If the same user-defined error is raised at multiple locations, using a unique state number for each location can help find which section of code is raising the errors."

- check SQL Server version (@@VERSION) and if it's 9.0.1399 (Microsoft Sql Server 2005 RTM) it's really time to apply some service pack. SQL 2005 RTM was released on November 7, 2005! ;)

- http://sqlserverbuilds.blogspot.com/ (list of SQL Server builds)
- http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=7218 (Download Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4 RTM)
- http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2507769/ (Cumulative update package 3 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4)

- error in German language version:"Der Wert 255 für den Status ist ungültig. Der gültige Bereich liegt zwischen 1 und 127."

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Kids don't delete LDF files!

If you have, and no backup etc, read following articles:


in case of opened transactions (error:" The protocol can not be rebuilt because there were open on shutdown of database transactions / users that no probe was used for the database or the database was write protected. This error can occur if the transaction log file was manually deleted or lost due to hardware failure or external failure.")


Uncommited transacions will appear in recovered databases.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Thursday, 22 September 2011

SQL @@SERVERNAME can return NULL, but it should not

Probably we are all using "@@SERVERNAME" variable for geting SQL Server name and usually it does what we expect.

Today some custom maintenance procedures stoped working. After investigation I've noticed that SELECT @@SERVERNAME returns "NULL".

Background: @@SERVERNAME gets value (at SQL Server boot) from table sys.servers where server_id is equal to 0.

SELECT [name] FROM sys.servers WHERE server_id = 0

in this system table there are also linked servers and "my server" was there with server_id different than zero.

EXEC master.dbo.sp_dropserver @server=N'serverName', @droplogins='droplogins'
EXEC sp_addserver 'serverName', LOCAL

and restart server.

Good workaround (probably best practice) is to use function ServerProperty('serverName').

More info at: http://randyjean.blogspot.com/2005/11/sql-servername-can-sometimes-return.html

PS Server is SQL Server 2005 Standard

Sunday, 18 September 2011

ASP.NET: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission

Pri selitvi stare asp.net 2.0 aplikacije, k novemu gostitelju se mi je pojavila naslednja napaka:

Napaka (ob zagonu asp.net aplikacije):
Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.Check(Object demand, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean isPermSet)
at System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.Demand()
at System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()
at System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.Reference.CalculateHashValue(XmlDocument document, CanonicalXmlNodeList refList)
at System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.SignedXml.BuildDigestedReferences()
at System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.SignedXml.ComputeSignature()
at xPortTools.xPortTools3.GenerateLicense(String lcHash, String ProductId, String lcToken, String lcKey, String lcHeader, String lcSupport, String lcWeb, String lcManufacturer, String lcManufacturerEmail, String lcCopyright, String lcDescription, Boolean Demo, DateTime ldActivationDate, String CdKey)
Namesto "System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager" uporabi "System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager". Strežnik je nastavljen na "medium trust" in preprečuje uporaba "WebConfigurationManger".


Sunday, 24 July 2011

VirtualBox 4 - sprememba velikosti diska VDU

- zmanjkuje prostora v virtualnem disku

- VirtualBox verzija 4 podpira razširjanje (resize) VDI datotek, uporabimo ukaz VBoxManage, parametri so naslednji:
C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox VBoxManage modifyhd "polna pot do\ime.vdi" --resize novavelikostvMB

- novavelikostvMB (npr. 40000 za slabih 40GB)
- pot do "VBoxMange.exe" se lahko razlikuje
- v trenutni verziji je podprto samo razširjanje diska (expand), zmanjševanje (compact) še ne
- ostane še razširitev diska v operacijskem sistemu

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Zelo počasno odpiranje Excel datotek iz omrežja (mrežnega diska)

- skušamo odpreti Excel (2003) datoteko iz mrežnega diska (npr. F:), dolgo časa se ne zgodi nič, kaže, da je Excel že zamrznil, nato pa se le končno odpre, pred nekaj dnevi je vse delovalo OK
- datoteko iz mrežnega diska skopiramo na lokalni disk (npr. c:), tam se odpre brez zakasnitve

- pred kratkim je bil naložen popravek "Office File Validation Add-in"

- izklop preko navodil članka 2570623, klik na mojstra "FixIT"
- v tem članku se nahaja tudi registerski ključ za izklop (primerzno namestitev, preko skripte, na več računalnikov)

Friday, 1 July 2011

DELL MD3000 in MD3000i - dodajanje novega diska v logični nosilec (extend volume)

V obstoječem diskovnem polju tipa DELL MD3000 (3000i) želimo povečati kapaciteto, postopek je naslednji:
- dodamo fizični disk v polje, ko polje zazna nov disk, se le ta pojavi med "Physical Disks"
- preko programa "Dell Modular Disk Storage Manager", izberemo "Modify", "Add Free Capacity (Physical Disks), postopek je časovno potraten (navadno nekaj ur)

V Dell Storage Managmentu ni opcije za razširitev virtualnega diska, "Expand Logical Disk", zato uporabimo program v ukazni vrstici "smcli.exe"

Navadno se nahaja v mapi:
\Program Files\Dell\MD Storage Manager\Cli ali
\Program Files (x86)\Dell\MD Storage Manager\client (64bit okolje)

Sintaksa je naslednja:
smcli ArrayName -c "set virtualDisk ["virtualdiskname"] addCapacity=virtualdiskcapacityinbytes;"

Ostane samo še razširitev logičnega diska na nivoju OSa (extend volume).

Celotni postopek je načeloma neboleč (obstoječi podatki ostanejo nedotaknjeni), ampak varnostna opija pred prvim korakom je nujna.

Thursday, 30 June 2011

SharePoint 2010 - Error 403

- SharePoint 2010 Foundation (velja tudi za ostale edicije)
- uporabnik (doman user) skuša dostopati do neke vsebine npr: http://intranet/SitePages/nekastran.aspx
- Brskalnik javi napako "Error 403"
- administrator stran odpre brez težav (status 200), za tem tudi navadni uporabnik lahko odpre omenjeno stran (status 200)
- po zaustavitvi aplikacije (iisreset, recycle, ponovni zagon strežnika...) se težava zopet ponovi
Možna rešitev:
- uporabnik (npr. domain users skupina) nima pravic na \bin mapi, dodamo pravice in težave izgine :)
Kaj smo se še naučili?
- nikoli ne pusti razvijalcev na strežnik :)

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

The object SPBackupRestoreConfigurationSetting

Izvajanje backupa javi naslednjo napako:

An update conflict has occurred, and you must re-try this action.
The object SPBackupRestoreConfigurationSettings Parent=SPFarm Name=SharePoint_Config is being
updated by Domain\User, in the STSADM process, on machine SERVER.
View the tracing log for more information about the conflict.

Napako reši naslednji poseg:
- zaustavitev "Windows SharePoint Services Timer"
- brisanje vseh datoek v mapi %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config\
- ponovni zagon "Windows SharePoint Services Timer"
- in zagon backup

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Gmail - ne dostavi pošte na vse računalnike preko POP3 vmesnika

V primeru, da gmail (velja za navadni gmail in google apps) pošto prebirate z bralnikom pošte (npr. Outlook) na več napravah in vključite opcijo "pusti na strežniku" (leave on server) opazite, da se pošta prikazuje po sistemu "prvi pride, prvi bere". Skratka vseh sporočil ni na vseh računalnikih.

Potrebno je vklučiti t.i. "recent mode". Kako? Pred uporabniško ime dodaš "recent:", tako, da zadeva izgleda "recent:username@gmail.com".

Za več informacij preberi Using POP on multiple clients or mobile devices.

PS Morda je smiselno uporabljati IMAP protokol in še, kdo hudiča ne uporablja web dostopa? :)
PSS Prenašajo se tudi "poslana" (send) sporočila, nastavimo pravilo. ;)

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V parent in 2008 R2 guest

Pri omenjeni konfiguraciji se v dnevniku pojavijo napake:

Description: A storage device in cannot load because it is incompatible with the server virtualization stack. Server version 2.0 Client version 4.2

Log Name: System
Source: VMSMP
Event ID: 26
Level: Error
Computer: 2008SRV.contoso.com
Description: NIC driver on '2008R2-Guest' cannot load because it is incompatible with the server virtualization stack. Server version 2 Client version 196610 (VMID 9A5FAAC3-1F7A-442D-9525-46B39ACE22DB).

O primeru govori članek http://support.microsoft.com/kb/972108.

Povzetek: sporočila lahko ignoriramo parent in chield se naknadno dogovorita za pravo verzija protokola.

Možen je tudi obraten primer. Hyper-V strežnik R2 in guest npr. 2008, primer sporočila:

A storage device in 'Demo_2003SRV' loaded but has a different version from the server.
Server version 4.2 Client version 2.0 (Virtual machine ID 9A5FAAC3-1F7A-442D-9525-46B39ACE22DB).
The device will work, but this is an unsupported configuration.
This means that technical support will not be provided until this problem is resolved.
To fix this problem, upgrade the integration services.
To upgrade, connect to the virtual machine and select Insert Integration Services Setup Disk from the Action menu.

Rešitev: Nadgradnja Integration komponente

Monday, 10 January 2011

Ukazna vrstica - kako pridobiti datum (command prompt date)

Prastaro orodje za samodejno administriranje "ukazne skripte" (batch fajli, command fajli), ki izhajajo še iz časa DOS-a.

Primer, kako pridobimo datum v spremenljivke in ga nato uporabimo npr. za sestavo imena log datoteke, ki nosi datum izvedbve:

@for /f "tokens=4 delims=. " %%c in ('date /T') do set YYYY=%%c
@for /f "tokens=3 delims=. " %%d in ('date /T') do set MM=%%d
@for /f "tokens=2 delims=. " %%e in ('date /T') do set DD=%%e
@Set LogFile=\Backup%YYYY%-%MM%-%DD%.TXT
robocopy .... >%LogFile%

Dnevnik bi v tem primeru pisali v datoteko z imenom "Backup2011-01-10.TXT".